Curve Defined Parametrically

The format of definition has one of the following forms:







X(t) and Y(t) are expressions which (after evaluation) contain only variable, which is the curve’s parameter. By default variable name is t.

tmin –  minimal value of parameter

tmax –  maximal value of parameter


If neither tmin  nor tmax  are specified, the parameter varies over [0, 2π].

If tmax is not specified, the range is t > tmin ; if tmin is not specified, the range is t < tmin


(3*cos(t),sin(t))           ; ellipse with semi-axes equal to 3 and 1

(t,t);-1,1                       ; straight segment between points (-1,-1) and (1,1)

(3*cos(17*t),3*sin(19*t))       ; Lissague curve