Commands Entering, Editing and Executing


You type in a new command in Command Zone.

A command can be entered in either single-level or 3-level format.

With single-level format you type all characters at the same level.

3-level format contains

basic level

upper or exponent level

lower or index level.


Upper level is used for power exponents. Lower level is used to enter base of logarithms and indexes of lists.



Equivalent expressions in single-level or 3-level formats.

x^2+y^2                x2+y2

log(2,a)                  log2(a)

s(1,1)                      s1,1


To switch between levels use the following key combinations:  Ctrl+h and Ctrl+i.


When ArtSGraph outputs results to the Result Zone it uses 3-level format, regardless which format was used to enter the preceding command.


To execute a command you should press Enter or F2. ArtSGraph executes the command line containing cursor. If you used Enter, after execution cursors moves to the next line of the Command Zone. If you used F2, cursor remains on the same line. Use this option to repeatedly execute the same command. 


Using h and i keys you can go to any previously entered line, edit it if necessary, and re-execute.


Math Panel and Func Panel are useful tools for typing-in commands and expressions. 


Before executing a command ArtSGraph checks its syntax. In case of an error, error message appears after the command on the same line, separated by semicolon. The whole line is reddened. You can fix the command and re-execute it. While fixing there is no need to delete error message, because ArtSGraph interpreted semicolon as a comment separator.