
In the directory \Program Files\ArtSKey inheres ArtSKey.ini file. File consists of lines of usual unformatted text (plain text). You need copy this file using a Windows CE Services to a PC, then edit and copy back. Remember that you should save the file in the same manner of non-formatted text. You must reboot Windows CE before artskey.ini file's changes will take effect.

File of adjustment consists of several sections, each section begins with begin tag and ends with end tag. So for the section "map" - begin tag is <map> and end tag is </map>. For adjusting keyboard layout it is necessary to edit the following sections: map, Dead Keys, deadkey1 map, deadkey2 map, deadkey3 map, deadkey4 map, deadkey5 map.

Section "map" (begin tag is: <map>, end tag is: </map>)

This section describes correspondences for English symbols on keyboard keys and symbol which must be entered when striking on this keys in your keyboard layout. Each section line must consist of the source (original) English key symbol followed by the SPACE symbol (code 32) and your keyboard layout symbol.

For instance changing a symbol on the button "z" to "y" the line must look like:

z y

Section "Dead Keys" (begin tag is: <Dead Keys>, end tag is: </Dead Keys>)

This section describes a temporary switching keys - "Dead keys". Section consists of one line, containing one, two, three, four or five symbols. The First symbol in the line will correspond to the first Dead key, second - to the second Dead key, third - to third and so on. Thereby you may define up to five Dead keys. Each Dead Key specification is corresponded to the special section: deadkey1 map, deadkey2 map, deadkey3 map, deadkey4 map and deadkey5 map.

Section "deadkey1 map" (begin tag is: <deadkey1 map>, end tag is: </deadkey1 map>)

This section describes correspondences for your keyboard layout symbols and symbols must be entered when striking on this key right after striking the First Dead key. Format of the lines of section is same as in the "map" section excepting in so far as left symbol in each line corresponds to your keyboard layout symbol (determined in section "map").

Section "deadkey2 map" (begin tag is: <deadkey2 map>, end tag is: </deadkey2 map>)

This section describes correspondences for your keyboard layout symbols and symbols must be entered when striking on this key right after striking the Second Dead key. Format of section lines is same as for "deadkey1 map".

"deadkey3 map", "deadkey4 map" and "deadkey5 map" sections format is same as describe above.

Section "Date Format" (begin tag is: <Date Format>, end tag is: < /Date Format >)

This section describes Date stamp format. Section consists of one line with date format in Microsoft style.

d - day of month, with the no leading zero;

dd - day of month, with the leading zero;

ddd - day of week as three-letter abbreviation;

dddd - day of week as its full name;

M - month as digit with no leading zero;

MM - month as digit with leading zero;

MMM - month as three-letter abbreviation;

MMMM - month as its full name;

yy - year as last two digits;

yyyy - year as four digits.

For example the "3 July 1997" date will look like:


if the format line given as following:


Section "Time Format" (begin tag is: <Time Format>, end tag is: < /Time Format >)

This section describes Time stamp format. Section consists of one line with time format in Microsoft style.

h - hours with no leading zero (12-hour clock);

hh - hours with leading zero (12-hour clock);

H - hours with no leading zero (24-hour clock);

HH - hours with leading zero (24-hour clock);

m - minutes with no leading zero;

mm - minutes with leading zero;

s - seconds with no leading zero;

ss - seconds with leading zero;

t - one character time marker ("A" or "P");

tt - two character time marker ("AM" or "PM").

For example the "9 hours 4 minutes and 3 seconds" time will look like:


if the format line given as following:


Section "launches" (begin tag is: <launches>, end tag is: < /launches >)

This section describes "launch" keys for applications quick start.

Each section line must consist of the source (original) English key symbol followed by the '=' symbol (code 61) and the application file name: KEY=APPLICATION.

For example for quick launch the calculator the line will look like:


or with full path:

Section "hotkeys" (begin tag is: <hotkeys>, end tag is: < /hotkeys >)

This section describes "hotkeys" for quick insert the user defined texts into applications.

Each section line must consist of the source (original) English key symbol followed by the '=' symbol (code 61) and the text: KEY=TEXT or KEY="TEXT".

For example for quick insert text with 'a' hotkey:
Best Regards,
Forest Gump
FGump Intrernational,

the line will look like:

a="Best Regards,
Forest Gump
FGump Intrernational,

In "hotkeys" section also defines "time stamp" key and "date stamp" key: KEY=@date and KEY=@time.

For example:


So date stamp will be insert with 'd' key, time stamp with '6' key.

All keys that are used by shortcuts, quick launches, date and time stamps will change their pictures after tapping "Rocket" key:

  1. key for date stamp will have "Calendar" icon
  2. key for time stamp will have "Clock" icon
  3. key for launching application will have application icon
  4. key for quick entering text will have icon with 2 - 3 letters of first word of text or text consist of first letter of 2 - 3 first words


For translation menus, dialogs and messages you can to create translation files in the directory \Program Files\ArtSKey\Locals.
Translation files must have '.lcl' extension.

File consists of lines of usual unformatted text (plain text).

Translation file must starts with tag <translations> and finish with tag </translations>

Each line must consist of the source (original) English text followed by the '=' symbol (code 61) and translated text: SOURCE TEXT=TRANSLATED TEXT.

For menu translations the text must start with '*' symbol (code 42): *SOURCE TEXT=*TRANSLATED TEXT

Empty lines not allowed. Line started with ';' (code 59) is comment.

Remember that you should save the file in the same manner of non-formatted text.
You must reboot Windows CE before .lcl file's changes will take effect.